Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Part 3, Sunrise Peak

Sunrise Peak in the background, beyond it is all ocean.

At the top, I couldn't fit the whole crater into one picture, it was so huge, I was a little scared of the height.

But I got over my fear! I laugh in the face of danger!

View overlooking the island

Sunrise Peak was my favorite part. The pictures don't convey the beauty of this place or the amazing views!

Part 2

The fountain in the Italian garden at the botanical gardens

Giant penis fountain at Loveland

One of the tamer statues.
I believe it was called "Love, American style"

The beautiful beach

Jeju Island Vacation!! Part 1

Some scenery on the island. These statues are made from volcanic rock, which is abundant on Jeju. These little guys seemed to be the Jeju mascot, as they were everywhere on the island.

At the first waterfall, nearest to our hotel

A view from the hotel

Nighttime view from the hotel

Apparently this blog site only lets me upload a few pictures at a time! Steven, Megan and I arrived on Jeju Island Tuesday evening and left early Saturday morning. We got to do a lot of sightseeing, the most beautiful being Sunrise Peak. There's no pics on this blog because apparently I can only upload five at a time, I'll put them on another blog. Anyway, Sunrise Peak is this big crater created from a volcano. You climb to the top and it's like you're standing on the edge of the earth. The ocean is all around and you look down onto the island. It's easily the most amazing thing I've ever seen in person. I feel so lucky that I had the chance to go. The climb up was hell and the climb down had me feeling dizzy, but it was totally worth it.
We also visited Loveland, which is basically an outside sex museum complete with statues and how-tos. Honeymooning Koreans visit there to get ideas I guess.
We went to two beaches, but one had the bluest water I've ever seen. It was too cold for swimming, but I got some beautiful pictures. I'm so glad I invested in a new camera!