Friday, May 27, 2011

Moving Out and Moving On

The countdown is on! I leave Korea in two months. I've been here exactly a year, and it has flown. Now I am in the throes of planning my perfect European vacation. I just purchased a ticket to see Much Ado About Nothing by Mr. William Shakespeare at the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London. It seems surreal. I've dreamed about going to the Globe for awhile, I'm so lucky!
I am headed to the states for a few weeks to visit and eat a lot of delicious food. I return from Europe in early October. I've been offered a wonderful teaching opportunity here in Korea for another year (or as long as I want), and I'm contemplating taking it. I can put school off for another year, what does it really matter? There's not much at home as far as jobs go, I can spend another year in Korea and probably make twice as much as I'm making now, travel around a bit, and delay the inevitable job/car/reality I have to face in the states.
Anyway, not much is going on here. I am frantically trying to save every penny for my Europe trip. I want to enjoy each ounce of European goodness without having to check my wallet every five minutes!