Monday, May 31, 2010

I've arrived!

So I'm finally here in Changwon, South Korea! After more than 24 hours of traveling and only a few minor headaches, Sophie and I landed safely in Pusan, South Korea. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again, Sophie is THE BEST DOG EVER! I couldn't have asked for a better travel companion, she was quiet and rarely had to pee.
I met up with a fellow teacher in Seoul, Max, who will be starting at the same school as me. When we landed in Pusan, we thought our director Paul would be there to greet us, but we didnt know what he looked like. Well, we were met by an older gentleman who literally did not speak to us, but gestured for us to hurry out of the airport and get in the car! We were both so confused, not understanding why our director didnt even want to shake our hands. We finally realized he was just a cab driver and was taking us directly to the school. So me, Sophie and my 100+ pounds of luggage were dragged up to the 5th floor of a gigantic building to meet Paul. He started right in about how the school was structured and what his expectations were, but Max and were both so exhausted I dont think I actually retained anything he said. So we were taken to our apartments. Mine is fantastic, its just a studio but it's perfect sized for the two of us, and it is next door to another teacher at our school, Steven, and his girlfriend Megan. They are both amazing people and have been so patient and helpful. Steven took us out for some traditional Korean lunch, I ate some seaweed wrapped up with rice and veggies. It was ok, but it will take some getting used to! Steven has already picked up much Korean language in just two months, I figure if he can do it, so can I!
The city of Changwon is actually quite large, but it doesnt feel like it because it is so walkable. We walked for only about 20 minutes and were on the complete opposite side of the city. There are a few parks and lots of sidewalks to walk Soph. I also thought I would stick out like a sore thumb, but fortunately no one really glanced twice at me. I think there's a decent foreign population here, so the Koreans are used to it. We did have an older man stop us in the street and marvel that we were so "international." He was quite endearing.
and oh yes, I might adopt a Korean baby or two. They are absolutely perfectly adorable and I want some of my own.
Tomorrow starts training at the school, Wednesday the school is closed for election day, and Thursday my own class! I am getting some advanced classes because of my English degree, it should be interesting!
I'll be taking some photos soon once I get unpacked so you all at home can appreciate how delightful a real shower is.


  1. This is so exciting, Jill! I can't wait to read your adventures! -Sarah

  2. (Obviously this is Jenny, but I am using Rob's google account, I will set my own up soon.)

    Sounds like an amazing adventure Jillian!!! I am happy for you that things are going well and that you are going to be getting right into the teaching! Good luck and keep me posted! Lots of love!!! PS - Bobby says for you not to get too attached to those Korean babies, he wants to keep you for himself!!!
