Sunday, August 22, 2010

yeah, yeah, yeah i need a break

My friend went to Japan this weekend. She went to the same city as me, walked the same streets, rode the same subway. Yet her experience was the exact opposite. She loved every minute of it. She liked the American vibe, where as I couldn't wait to get back to Korea. Perhaps if I had gone after I had been in Korea for awhile, my experience would have been different. Maybe if I get a bout of homesickness I'll give Japan another whirl. It's interesting that two people can visit the same place and have completely different perspectives.
This weekend ended me working 11 hours a day, thank goodness! What was so tiring wasn't the hours, but the kids. My class was rowdy and disrespectful. I tried several different ways to handle them, and none of them worked. I hope I don't encounter these kids in another class.
Monday starts the new semester at school, I hope I enjoy all my classes and kids!
During the last three weeks I haven't had time to do much, hopefully I'll have some new adventures to write about soon!

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