Sunday, July 25, 2010

things i miss vs things i love in SK

Things I Miss
A dryer- my clothes are starting to stretch at the neck
A regular shower- i'ts hard to stand in a corner sideways in 8" of space and wash my hair.
People who speak english, not all people, but important people, like the guy cutting sophie's nails and the pharmacist.
A soft bed
An oven
Shopping for clothes/shoes. I dont necessarily need anything, it's just that now I dont even have the option. Shoes only go up to a size 8!
A couch. I could buy one but I dont really have space and it's a lot of money to spend.
Having a variety of restaurants to choose from. I mean, there are tons of Korean restaurants, but I don't care for their food. And even sometimes when I point to a picture on the menu, my food comes out looking nothing like what I ordered.
The trunk of my car- carrying more than two big bags of groceries home is next to impossible.
Dirty streets- Changwon is quite dirty, trash gets picked up every day so there are always tons of trash bags lining the streets in the downtown area
Fish smells everywhere

Things I love
NOT DRIVING!! It's so much easier to take a detour or pop in and get a coffee without having to cross traffic and park. And I dont have to pay for gas or insurance or parking.
Coffee shops on every corner
Living in a bubble- I dont overhear any conversations, I dont worry if people are staring at me or laughing at me. I am free to do basically whatever I want in public
Being close to the beach!
Taxis that get me across town for $4
Buses that get me to the next town for $3
Super cheap food- seriously, super cheap.
Having a mountain I can climb about a 1/4 mile from my house
Wide sidewalks perfect for walking Sophie
Fresh fruit and vegetables on every corner
Getting complimentary items when you purchase something. Tonight I bought a beer at dinner and got a small plate of carrots and cucumbers.
Getting away with stuff because I'm a foreigner. Someone can yell in my face for walking in front of their car but I can't understand so I can smile and walk away.
Most Korean kids- they are curious about me and watch carefully everything I do
Meeting other foreigners from all over the world who have traveled all over the world.
Everyday is an adventure!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! I'm so very proud of you Jill and am so glad you're having such an amazing time! :-)
