Wednesday, June 23, 2010


It seems I am headed to Japan on Monday! I will be staying Monday night, leaving Tuesday night. I was supposed to get a ferry ride and accommodations provided by my school because I am going for a visa run. I have to get a new visa because the visa I have is for another school. Your visa is only valid if you are working at the school who sponsored your visa. Instead of a ferry ride, my school bought me a plane ticket. I asked the director about accommodations, he kind of laughed and said accommodations were not included. In my contract it clearly states, ferry ride and accommodation. He said since I got a plane ride, no hotel! WHAT?? They never gave me a choice, ferry or plane! I would have gladly taken the ferry to get a hotel paid for. I told him that and he backed down and said to bring him the receipt and he'd reimburse me. Thank goodness, funds are low till I get my first paycheck, I certainly don't need to be spending an additional $50 on a stupid hotel room! I also have no idea what to do when I get to Japan, I have written directions from the airport to the subway to the consulate. That's it. How am I to find a hotel in Japan, you may wonder? I wonder too. My director told me not to be nervous and banish all negative thoughts, everything will be fine, he assured me! Umm, ok, that's probably the most unhelpful thing he could have said! Oh well, I just hope I can find a hotel room and I don't end up sleeping on a park bench! I will post pictures upon my return...if I return....Just kidding!

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