Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Observations, thoughts and feelings so far

Random things I've observed, thought or felt so far-
1) Driving in Korea is DANGEROUS. Walking in Korean traffic is even more DANGEROUS. There are many intersections with no stop signs or traffic lights, its just a free for all. Parking is the same, people park their cars either way on both sides of the street. I can't figure out any rhyme or reason to it so I just try to stay out of the way.
2) People mostly ignore me on the streets. Sometimes children or teenagers say hello, but other than that, ignored.
3) Koreans serve pickles with many kinds of food, even pizza. They come on the side and are delicious, but still, pickles and pizza?
4) It is illegal not to have a job in Korea. So there are tons of family run restaurants, I think people just open restaurants if they can't find a job.
5) I feel very safe here. Crime is very low, I think the major problem is petty crimes which is why I have bars on my windows.
6) The children in my classes have been fascinated by my freckles! One class was even afraid so I chased them around and told them I'd rub my freckles on them if they were bad. Apparently it was the funniest thing they ever heard!
7) I really love teaching so far. It's not stressful and I just feel generally happier at school than any other job I've had. All the Korean teachers have been incredibly helpful and kind.
8) Sophie is the best dog ever. I know, I know, but she is. She's adjusted just fine.
9) I feel like I've been here a long time already, I haven't really felt homesick at all, but I can't imagine I won't feel it sooner or later.
10) Most things here are SO CHEAP! A bottle of water costs 350 won, which is about 30 cents USD. I can get a whole delicious pizza for about $5. It's very reasonable for me to spend only about $400 a month for all living expenses.
11) It is not unusual to see people out picnicing or exercising late at night. Last night at about 11:30 I saw many people running, doing sit ups (all the parks have exercise equipment) and eating together outside
12) You can buy beer in a two liter plastic bottle. Best idea ever!
So, so far so good. Last Saturday we went to a beach in the city of Busan. It took us a little less than an hour by bus and subway. There were tons of foreigners there! Lots of white faces everywhere you look. It was a typical US beach town with tourist traps and all the restaurants and stores had English speaking workers and the signs were in English. There was even a Friday's and Bennigans! It was like being home. I think I like Changwon better because I am much more immersed in the culture. Not many people but the children speak English and I like it that way!
I do miss everyone, I am just so glad that I have settled in so comfortably!

1 comment:

  1. I'm delighted by the fact that not only are the kids fascinated by your freckles, but that you also use them as a threat! :-) So interesting, Jilly--thanks for the updates!!! Keep them coming!
